The Mentorship initiative serves as a platform where mentors and mentees can connect with one another. Innovative Segue strives to provide an atmosphere where mentees are provided with a positive outlook on life, can set ambitious life-achieving goals, and learn the core values concerning education, career, family, relationships, business, etc.

Innovative Segue provides a simple way to get connected with mentors and feel it highly important for mentees to receive the necessary guidance needed in order to be successful. With a true belief in the concept of a mentee thinking positive- the basis for such is finding the right mentee!!


Sign up for our Mentorship initiative, today!!     Register


Our Mentorship initiative is geared towards youth in need of a mentor to assist in elevating their personable capabilities. Mentor time can be scheduled. This is a FREE service for qualifying individuals. For more information on getting involved or to become a Mentor– please, contact us at The initiatives that we offer are as follows:


Partner Up

Life Coach

Youth Entrepreneurship Movement



A mentor whom the mentee can develop a strong mentorship relationship, have access to a wealth of knowledge and experience and create a lifelong friendship.


Interested in becoming a partner, sponsor, volunteer or member?? We’ll be glad to have you!! There are a number of opportunities for you to participate in and be a part of our mission. Plus, the benefits that you get an opportunity of receiving are limitless!! Join us in our vision to revitalize the communities. Register today!!

Join Our Movement

You may also make a donation online- we appreciate your continued support, Thank You!!


For more information on getting involved- please, email us at